A Playa del Cura holiday's just what the doctor ordered, if you're looking for a dose of peace and quiet within easy reach of a bigger resort, like Puerto Rico.

A quiet corner of the Canary Islands

Stick ‘cura’ into Google translate and you’ll see it means ‘care’ in English. It’s a fitting name for this sleepy slice of beach on the south-west coast of Gran Canaria. The focus here’s on treating yourself to some rest and relaxation.

Easy on the eye

Most hotels here are right by the sea or perched on the hillside, so great views are guaranteed pretty much anywhere you stay. Expect a scoop of silver sand and mountain-peak-filled panoramas stretching out before you.

Pop to Puerto Rico

As holiday destinations go, Playa del Cura’s a tempo-turned-down kind of place. But, the lively neighbouring resort of Puerto Rico’s a five-minute cab ride away if you fancy switching things up. Watersports, boat trips, shopping centres and bars are all in good supply here. There’s even an Angry Birds theme park that’ll keep the kids entertained.

At a Glance

  • Kick back on Cura Beach
  • Catch a cab to nearby Puerto Rico
  • Munch on mussels at a traditional restaurant

Best time to go to Playa del Cura

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