City breaks to Berlin are a pick n’ mix of art, history and culture. Throw yummy street food and buzzy nightlife into the mix, and you’ve got yourself a winning city break.

Heaps of history

Berlin’s up to its elbows in historic sites – most are reminders of its rocky 20th century. People flock from far and wide to peek at the remaining sections of the capital’s iconic Berlin Wall. And no trip would be complete without a stop at the Brandenburg Gate – at the end of the Cold War, this mighty monument became a symbol of peace and unity. Meanwhile, the UNESCO-listed Museum Island stacks up a whole bunch of ancient artefacts for history fans to get their teeth into.

Street art to shout about

This city’s got a belter of a street art scene, too. Gigantic wall murals give you something to ogle at around every corner. For a look at some of the most famous, toddle over to East Side Gallery. When the wall fell, artists flocked from all over to leave their mark on the biggest remaining section, transforming it into an open-air exhibition worthy of a spot on any Berlin city break itinerary. And over in the Kreuzberg district, there are more graffiti tags than you can shake a spray can at.

Non-stop nightlife

When it comes to nightlife, Berlin cranks the lively lever up a notch. The city’s jam-packed with clubs and bars – and they’re far from run-of-the-mill. The Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain districts are home to massive techno clubs housed inside abandoned old buildings, and riverside haunts with open-air dancefloors. And while most German cities have set closing times for nightclubs, Berlin bucks the trend, with plenty of places staying open ‘til well into the wee hours.

At a Glance

  • Eye up the graffiti-coated remnants of the Berlin Wall
  • Munch on currywurst from a street food stall
  • Snap a selfie at the Brandenburg Gate

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