Poste Lafayette holidays are so peaceful, it's like the seaside settlement's been soundproofed.

Cleared for calm

Poste Lafayette is a low-key locale that hugs Mauritius’ coast. There’s no real town centre, as the village is so reluctant to leave the shoreline behind, so you’ll find a slim belt of hotels and local houses stacked along the seafront. The real focus is on the semi-secret beaches, which are squirrelled away from sight behind bushy tropical greenery. A big-name national park gets in on the act, too.

Sheltered sands

Because Poste Lafayette steers clear of the spotlight, the sands don’t get much tourist attention. That’s a big plus if you set up shop here – you’ll find a couple of beaches that look permanently primed for a photo shoot. There’s substance to go with the good looks, too – snorkellers give the coral reef a thumbs up and, if you head to next-door-neighbour Belle Mare, there are watersports and boat trips to get stuck in to.

Nature know-it-all

There are three national parks in Mauritius, and you’ve got one of them right in your lap here. Bras d’Eau National Park is a mish-mash of mangroves, wetlands and jungle-shrouded hiking trails, with rocky volcanic clearings thrown in for good measure. It only takes a couple of minutes to get from the main crop of hotels to the edge of the wildlife area, where reptiles and local birds hang out on the trunks and branches.

At a Glance

  • Walk along volcanic nature trails
  • Sun yourself on Bras d’Eau Beach
  • Look for birds in a national park

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