A small place on the east shore of Lake Ohrid, holidays to Sveti Stefan are just the thing for a chilled-out beach break with a touch of history too.

Beach retreat

Looking to get away from it all and spend your days sunbathing and swimming? Well, the whole shore of Sveti is lined with stony beaches where you can find a spot to lay your towel, paddle in the water and doze in the shade. And of course, there’s a handful of beachfront bars and cafés so snack time and cocktail o’clock are sorted. Away from the lake, there’s a tiny 14th-century chapel devoted to St Stefan where you can see religious artefacts and take in views across the lake.

Historical town trips

No trip to Lake Ohrid would be complete without a visit to its biggest town, Ohrid. It’s a 15-minute taxi hop up north and is bubbling over with historic hotspots. Don’t miss the clifftop Church of St John at Kaneo and the ancient theatre – and the views from there over the lake and town are seriously wow-worthy too. All that sightseeing rustling up an appetite? Wander through the cobbled streets and pick a family-run restaurant where you can fill up on fresh fish and meaty stews.

All aboard

At the other end of the lake are two of the region's must-visit sites. And you can see both by taking to the lake on on a boat. First up is the Bay of Bones Museum, a recreation of a Bronze Age settlement with huts built on stilts over the water. Then it’s on to the Monastery of St Naum, one of the country’s oldest churches, to see intricate frescoes and stroll around the gardens.

Out and about

  • Lakeside promenade
  • Boat trips
  • Wildlife spotting
  • Beaches
  • Lake bathing
  • National park
  • Walking tours
  • Hiking
  • Paragliding
  • Old Town
  • Local history museum
  • Market
  • Churches
  • Monastery
  • Fortress
  • Amiptheatre
  • Archaelogical site

At a Glance

  • Spend long, sunny days on the beaches that line the front and swimming in the cool lake.
  • Take a taxi to Ohrid to see ancient churches and theatre.
  • Book a boat trip to explore the Monastery of St Naum and 3,000-year-old Bay of Bones.

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