The clue's in the name on Bang Tao holidays. This Phuket resort's restaurants, bars and hotels form ranks on the sand.

Pretty Phuket

Bang Tao has hollowed out a big wedge of Phuket’s west coast. It’s got textbook Thai sands, tucked in by mountains on both sides. The belt’s backed by trees, but the greenery’s sometimes substituted for a plush hotel or two. In fact, it’s got one of Thailand’s biggest and fanciest resort complexes on its turf.

Sizeable asset

Sand-wise, this place has size on its side. At four miles, it’s one of Phuket’s lengthiest laps. It’s got a steady supply of beach resorts, watersports huts and souvenir stalls, as well as beach clubs with sea-view pools and top Thai grub. Plus, the southern end’s feathers have been left completely unruffled.

Second to sunbathing

Behind the beach, there are more restaurants – including one with a minigolf course. You can get your fill of full-sized golf over at the Laguna Phuket, though. This mega resort is a one-stop-shop for activities, lining up hotels, spas, an 18-hole golf course and Canal Village – an open-air, mini-mall.

At a Glance

  • Get a Thai massage on the sands
  • Barter for your dinner at the Fun Friday Avenue Market
  • Drop in on a beach bar for happy hour

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