Lindos holidays slow things down to a snail's pace, and the showreel of sites includes an above-it-all acropolis and one of Greece's most photogenic bays.

Back to basics

Lindos makes no bones about its Greek identity. It’s traditional through-and-through, with classic whitewashed villas and olive trees peppering its basin-like setting. The beaches are among the most peaceful on Rhodes' east coast, and day-to-day life follows a similar pace when you start navigating the cobbled streets.

Hilltop treasure

Whoever said there were no prizes for second place clearly never clapped eyes on Lindos’ ancient acropolis. If it weren’t for its famous namesake in Athens, there’s little doubt this would be Greece’s star pupil. The crumbling columns and fortifications teeter on a hilltop high above the town. That means easy-on-the-eye scenery for everyone down at ground level, and sweeping panoramas of the Aegean Sea and St Paul’s Bay from the acropolis itself.


What the acropolis lacks in official accreditation, Rhodes Town makes up for. The old quarter, which has links to the legendary Knights of St John, has done enough to earn a pat on the back from the bods at UNESCO. The Medieval stone walls look as good as new in places, and wrap themselves around the harbour and parts of the centre. Nose around the cobbled narrow streets, and you’ll find modern shops have moved into every suitable nook and cranny.

At a Glance

  • Climb to the hilltop acropolis
  • Snap pictures of St Paul’s Bay
  • Skip between the east coast beaches

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