Porto Cristo holidays deliver big on the Bs – beaches, boats and beautiful scenery. The Caves of Drach chuck a more than welcome C into the mix, too.

East coast calm

Lots of Balearic fishing villages have done away with their traditional togs in favour of a more modern look – but not Porto Cristo. This pretty seaside town, which translates as Port of Christ, is one of the more down-to-earth holidays picks on Majorca’s east coast. The sands are slightly less crowded than nearby Cala Millor, and come with tree-ruffled cliffs on either side.

Blue Flag favourite

There are more than 20 Blue Flags divvied out along this stretch of Spain's coastline, and one of them’s got pride of place in Porto Cristo’s back garden. But unlike a lot of its neighbours, it’s not a pat on the back for the beach here. Instead, the town’s marina is the one to get the gong. Luxury yachts, fishing boats and day-tripping sloops all sit stock-still in sheltered moorings. Local restaurants didn’t take long to cotton on to the views either, so it’s easy to grab a bite close to the masts and mainsails.

Natural wonders

Porto Cristo’s most famous feature also counts itself among the most-visited on the island – Palma Cathedral eat your heart out. The natural must-see in question is the Caves of Drach, an eerie network of submerged galleries and caverns. Icicle-like stalactites cling to the ceiling, and there’s a huge lake where lamp-lit rowing boats bob along on water tours.

At a Glance

  • Pick a spot on the sandy seafront
  • Stroll along the Blue Flag marina
  • Bob across an underground lake

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