Playa Blanca holidays give you the chance to fly and flop on a handful of sandy beaches, or live it up at a posh marina.

Lanzarote’s tip

The clue’s in the name on Playa Blanca holidays. It literally translates as ‘white beach’ – and what a belter it is. The town ranks highly on Lanzarote's list of sun-seeking spots, with the seafront scene earning it a classy rep. You’ll find it anchored at the bottom of Lanzarote, which means daytrips to the Canary Islands' must-visit site, Timanfaya National Park, are an absolute doddle.

Smart vibes

This place waggles its finger at high-rises, bar the odd swanky hotel. And the Marina Rubicon's another pin-up for the town’s plush feel. It’s laid out like a village, with streets and squares chock-full of designer shops and fancy restaurants. And if you're craving a switch from your day-to-day pool scene, there’s a public one here, too. Or you’ve got nearby Aqualava waterpark for a serious adrenaline rush.

Great grains

Playa Blanca’s main beach – AKA Playa Dorada – is slap-bang in the middle of town. It’s a Blue Flag-waving number, with enough sunbeds and watersports to keep the bumper crop of visitors happy. But this place has a triple-pronged beach scene. You’ve got another pair to help yourself to, including Playa Flamingo – it's cuddled by breakwaters, so the sea’s pond-calm.

At a Glance

  • Flake out on Playa Dorada beach
  • Play count the volcano in Timanfaya National Park
  • Bag some bargains at Marina Rubicon’s market

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