From age-old sights to sandy sweeps, city breaks to Valencia city line up a pick ‘n’ mix selection of holiday must-haves.

City breaks to Valencia city

When it comes to city breaks, Valencia’s checklist has got ticks in all the right places. It’s got a winning combination of sights and seaside – so whether you’re a sight-snapper or a beach-flopper you’ll be on the right track with a city break here. Plus, with 300 days of sunshine per year, it’s more or less t-shirt weather whenever you choose to visit. And when it comes to where to stay, our top tip is to lay your hat close to the Old Town, or make sure you’re linked up with it via the city’s metro stations.

Heaps of history

With more than 2,000 years of history to its name, Valencia is one of Spain’s oldest cities. The city’s Old Town is a bit like a picture book of its past, where buildings blend from one era to the next. And while the city itself is massive in size, its Old Town area is fairly compact – which means it’s super-easy to step to and from the top sights. Highlights in this part of town include the UNESCO-rated silk exchange, the 14th-century Serrano Towers and Seville Cathedral. The latter lays claim to the Holy Grail – you can ogle at it yourself on a trip inside.

A city beach trio

The region of Valencia has made a name for itself in the best beaches in Spain's game, and the city follows its lead. The city’s three main spots are conveniently located side by side, a 20-minute drive from the Old Town. Starting south, the first spot is Las Arenas Beach – a wide belt of sand makes this swathe a top choice for sunseekers. Take a wander further along the prom and you’ll reach La Malvarrosa Beach, this place is usually the cover star on Valencia’s postcards. Things here are just as good looking under water as they are above – a manmade reef provides a showcase of sea life for snorkellers and scuba divers. Last up, there’s Patacona Beach, it’s usually the quietest of the bunch and comes with a sprinkle of bars and eateries plotted right on the sand.

At a Glance

  • Get a look at the Holy Grail at Valencia Cathedral
  • Find your spot of sand on Las Arenas Beach
  • Watch as live bands put on a show in trendy El Carmen

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