Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to cancel my booking and receive a refund – what should I do?

Here’s our step-by-step guide on how to cancel your booking:

Just so you know, this video takes you through how to cancel your holiday booking on the TUI website, but the process is the same on the First Choice website.

If you’ve booked a package holiday or have an accommodation-only booking, you’re entitled to your money back within 14 days if we have to cancel it. Unless we’ve cancelled your booking or given you the option to cancel your booking, any cancellations are subject to our standard booking terms and conditions.

You can use Manage My Booking to change or cancel your holiday if you booked a package holiday on our website or on the First Choice app, and if your flights are with certain airlines. If you have an accommodation-only booking or you want to change any extras, please call 0203 451 2690 to speak to us directly. Our lines are open between 9am and 5:30pm from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm Saturday and 10am-5pm on Sunday.