Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change my booking?

You’ll need your booking confirmation number, your departure date and the surname of the lead passenger in order to make any changes – you can find all of this on your booking confirmation email.

  1. Go to Manage My Booking.
  2. Add your details and click ‘Login to your booking’.
  3. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a section titled ‘View or change your booking’ at the top of the page.
  4. Click ‘Change your holiday’, then the window titled ‘Change your holiday’.
  5. On the next screen, you’ll see our holiday search panel. Edit this to reflect the new holiday you want to change your booking to and click ‘Search’. Then choose the date you’d like for your new holiday.
  6. On the next screen, you’ll see a description of the holiday you’ve chosen. If you’re happy with this, click ‘Continue’. Or, go back to search for a different trip.
  7. You’ll then be presented with a summary of your new holiday. If your new holiday is cheaper than your original booking, you’ll be refunded the difference. If your new holiday is more expensive, you’ll need to pay the difference. FYI, if you’re changing your booking from a cancelled package holiday, you’ll only pay the difference once any incentives have been applied.

You’ll need to pay any outstanding amount 12 weeks before your new departure date. If your new holiday is due to depart within 12 weeks from when you’re making the booking, you’ll be taken to our payment page to pay the outstanding balance before you reach the confirmation page.

  1. Once you’re happy with your booking, click ‘Continue’. You’ll then see a summary of your current booking alongside your new booking. If you’re happy with this, click ‘Confirm changes’. If you’d like to make some tweaks, you can click ‘Make more amendments’.
  2. You’re all done! We’ll send you a confirmation of your booking change to your email address.